Proudly supporting our Armed Forces Community

Here at Talent Connected we agree that those who serve in the Armed Forces, whether Regular or Reserve, those who have served in the past, and their families, should face no disadvantage compared to other citizens in the provision of public and commercial services. Special consideration is appropriate in some cases, especially for those who have given most such as the injured and the bereaved.

This obligation involves the whole of society: it includes voluntary and charitable bodies, private organisations, and the actions of individuals in supporting the Armed Forces.  Recognising those who have performed military duty unites the country and demonstrates the value of their contribution.

This is why we have signed the Armed Forces Covenant.

We will seek to uphold the principles of the Armed Forces Covenant by:

Promoting the Armed Forces

  • Promoting our work, activities and events through our own digital and social media channels as well as working with the press.
  • Publishing our Covenant pledges on a dedicated Covenant section/page on our website.
  • Promoting the fact that we are an Armed Forces friendly organisation, to our staff, contractors, customers, suppliers and wider public.


  • Working with and advertising vacancies through Career Transition Partnership (CTP), as well as advertising widely in the Armed Forces community, to ensure employment opportunities are made available to veterans.
  • Welcoming Applications from and guaranteeing interviews with, veterans who meet the criteria in the job specification.
  • Recognising military skills and qualifications in our recruitment and selection process.

Service Spouses & Partners

  • Supporting the employment of Service spouses and partners by welcoming applications from spouses / partners who meet the criteria in the job specifications.
  • Partnering with and advertising vacancies on Forces Families Jobs and Recruit for Spouses, as well as advertising widely within the Armed Forces community.
  • Endeavouring to offer a degree of flexibility in granting leave for services spouses and partners before, during and after a partner’s deployment.


  • Supporting our employees who are already members of the Reserve Force.
  • Staff are actively encouraged to become Reservists.
  • Granting additional paid/unpaid leave for annual Reserve Forces training.
  • Supporting any mobilisations and deployment.

Cadet Organisations

  • Supporting our employees who are volunteer leaders in military cadet organisations.
  • Granting additional leave to attend annual training camps and courses.
  • Actively encouraging members of staff to become volunteer leaders in cadet organisations.
  • Supporting local military cadet units.
  • Recognising the benefits of employing cadets/ex-cadets within the workforce.

National Events

  • Supporting Armed Forces Day, Reserves Day, the Poppy Appeal Day and Remembrance activities.

 Armed Forces Charities

  • Supporting Armed Forces charities with fundraising and supporting staff who volunteer to assist.

Commercial Support

  • Offering a discount to members of the Armed Forces community and advertising this through the Defence Discount Services.

We commit to honour the Armed Forces Covenant and support the Armed Forces Community. We recognise the value Serving Personnel, both Regular and Reservists, Veterans and military families contribute to our business and our country.